Get Involved

From volunteering or participating in Festival activities to partnering on a new project or commission, there are many ways for individuals and organisations to get involved in MLF.

Partner With Us

Manchester Literature Festival has a long tradition of partnering with publishers, venues, other festivals and cultural organisations on the development and delivery of our live event programmes, new commissions and creative learning projects. We believe partnership working benefits the audiences, artists and communities we serve, and we are open to conversations about potential collaboration.

Some of our many current and recent partners include Manchester Museum, Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester UNESCO City of Literature, National Trust, Canal and River Trust, Lancashire Wildlife Trust, the BBC, the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, Z-arts, Media Cubs, Reform Radio and Greater Manchester schools and libraries.

If you share our artistic vision of encouraging everyone to discover a love of literature in all its forms and have an idea for an event, commission, or education project that you believe would be mutually beneficial to MLF and the organisation you represent, please do get in touch. In the first instance please email and your message will be passed on to the most relevant member of the team.


Our team of Manchester Literature Festival volunteers plays an invaluable role in helping to create a welcoming and joyful experience for audiences and participants. With over 40+ events going on simultaneously across the city centre every October, volunteer support is crucial to ensuring the smooth running of Festival events, making sure that audiences and authors get the most out of the time they spend together.

MLF’s volunteers are public facing ambassadors for the organisation. Tasks include directing people to the event space, checking and selling tickets, answering basic questions about the event/venue, assisting latecomers, providing a roving mic during audience Q&As, and managing the book signing queues.

In addition to event support during the Festival, there is occasional administrative work in the Festival office; in particular the mailout of several thousand Festival brochures every August.

MLF volunteers usually get a lot out of helping with the Festival, including discovering new writers, getting to know other volunteers and gaining useful experience that could support a future career in publishing, the arts or event management.

Our registered volunteers are expected to attend a briefing meeting in early September and will then be invited to apply for event shifts.

We really value the work of our volunteers and offer free tickets to events where possible. To make sure everyone can volunteer their time at MLF we offer travel expenses to all volunteers to and from shifts.

Volunteering is open to anyone over the age of 18 who lives or studies in Greater Manchester. You don’t need any specific experience or skills, just an enthusiasm to get involved.

PLEASE NOTE: we have now filled all Volunteer positions for this year's Festival and applications are now closed. Please check back in July 2025 for Volunteer opportunities for next year's Festival.

6 volunteers wearing Manchester Literature Festival T-shirts outside HOME


We will post any new opportunities to work with or engage with MLF here, including job opportunities, freelance work and trustee positions as they arise.